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Intermediate Algorithms

[CORE 6a]

Full Course

$1668 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 18 hours and additional live student help hours

Class Package

Virtual Machine (VM)
A Virtual Machine is a remote desktop that allows students to connect to it from anywhere. We provide VMs so that students use it during classes and to work on homework.
Live Student Help Hours with Teaching Assistants
Office hours are led by our highly qualified teaching assistants. It is an easy and free way to get immediate feedback on your code. Our homework is difficult - office hours can help you overcome obstacles and develop a stronger understanding of the material!
Audio Lectures
We provide pre-recorded Audio Lectures to allow for students to self-study, practice, and learn CS.
Online Textbook
We provide an online, interactive, Java & Algorithms textbook to allow for students to self-study, practice, and learn CS.
Class Recordings
We provide recordings of our classes for if a student misses or needs to re-listen to a class.
Student Progress Report
The parent account dashboard allows for parents to track their student's progress in the class.
Certificate of Completion
Students can request a certificate of completion once they finish the course

Class Description:

[CORE 6a] teaches algorithms and data structures using Java in a lecture format. Students complete weekly graded homework assignments and monthly quizzes. Most students find it helpful to attend our student help hours for support learning these advanced concepts. The material is similar to what may be encountered in lower level USACO competitions. After this class, students can choose to enroll in [AI 1], our Intro to Machine Learning course.


[CORE 5b] or permission of instructor

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