Summer term starts on June 17! Get $100 off your enrollment when you refer a friend.

Intro to Web Development


Full Course

$1502 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 18 hours

Class Package

Virtual Machine (VM)
A Virtual Machine is a remote desktop that allows students to connect to it from anywhere. We provide VMs so that students use it during classes and to work on homework.
Student Progress Report
The parent account dashboard allows for parents to track their student's progress in the class.
Certificate of Completion
Students can request a certificate of completion once they finish the course

Class Description:

This course covers various technology involved in building modern, full-stack web applications. Topics include web programming (JavaScript/TypesScript), and modern web UI frameworks (React), backend programming, database and ORMs. Prior web experience not required, but students are expected to be comfortable with at least one programming language.


[CORE 5b] or Instructor Approval

Related Classes


Intro to TypeScript


Project Time

fetch() API, Promises, debugging JS

Responsive CSS

Interacting with Databases with SQL

Interacting with Databases with SQL with ORMs


Account Creation and Account Login

React (Part 1)

React (Part 2)