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Full Course

$1905 USD
Before any discounts or coupons
for 18 hours and additional live student help hours

Class Package

Virtual Machine (VM)
A Virtual Machine is a remote desktop that allows students to connect to it from anywhere. We provide VMs so that students use it during classes and to work on homework.
Advanced Student Help Hours
Our free advanced Student Help Hours provide live one-on-one support with experienced teaching assistants for students specifically in our higher level courses.
Student Progress Report
The parent account dashboard allows for parents to track their student's progress in the class.
Certificate of Completion
Students can request a certificate of completion once they finish the course

Class Description:

This class provides online training for the USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) Gold Division, a programming competition looked at by colleges and used as a qualifier for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI). Classes will be held through a computer with a teacher online via live video conference, and during each lesson students will work on challenging sample problems with the help of a teacher. Then, students attempt a problem set for homework on the same topic covered in class, and are able to ask a TA for help during student help hours.
The goal of this course is to prepare students to score well on USACO's Gold Divison and help them advance to the Platinum Division. This class covers advanced problems, building on algorithms from Bronze and Silver level, but also require knowledge of other advanced programming concepts like dynamic programming. Topics covered include graph search, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms. An example problem might have the student find the fastest path through all cows, given a list of cows, their coordinates, and their movement patterns.
View Example Problem View USACO FAQ


Instructor approval. Prior completion of USACO Silver or equivalent recommended. [CORE 6a] recommended.

Related Classes


Graph Search 1

HashSet and TreeSet

Sliding Window


Dynamic Programing

Greedy Algorithms, Priority Queues

Union-Find Data Structure and Minimal Spanning Tree

Binary Search; O(log(n)) Algorithms

Graph Search 2

Problem Review

Dynamic Programming 2

Odds and Ends

Binary Index Tree

Proving Correctness (by Contradiction)

Plane Sweep (TreeSets 2)

Greedy Algorithms 2

Dynamic Programing 3

Bonus Content - TBD